Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Route

The Route
The route is well marked with arrows and instructional signage; simply follow the signs and the walkers in front of you! Here's a general description of what you will experience along the way:

On Day One, after exiting Cow Palace you will make your way through Daly City on the way to the coast into San Francisco. After a brief walk around Lake Merced, the route will head north into the Sunset area and eventually up to and through the heart of Golden Gate Park. Upon leaving the park you will head north through some of San Francisco’s most beautiful neighborhoods including Pacific Heights. The route continues north and ends for the day along the water at camp.

You will begin Saturday's journey by heading uphill to the famous Golden Gate Bridge. After crossing the two mile span, you will head down to the famous Fort Baker. The route continues high above the water into Sausalito and into the picturesque downtown area. Then you will head north on the San Francisco Bay trail into artsy Mill Valley. After passing through the heart of downtown Mill Valley you will return to the Bay Trail to head south after lunch. The route will pass through the lovely Sausalito before returning to Fort Baker and heading back over the Golden Gate Bridge to camp.

The final day of the journey will travel to the heart of San Francisco. The day begins along the water and onto famous Lombard St. A brief walk uphill will show off amazing views of the city skyline. Then you will head back down into Golden Gate Park and get a chance to visit the famous Haight-Ashbury area. After lunch, head east towards City Hall and the War Memorial. You will pass through the famous shopping district of San Francisco before experiencing Chinatown and Little Italy. The last few miles of the route show off several of the city’s iconic monuments before heading into Fort Mason for the Closing Ceremony.


T-mom said...

you walkers read this and had no comments......I would of commented but I fainted first!!! Don't forget your cameras.

Jenn Jenn said...

There's no fainting in walking!